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Writer's pictureTimothy M. Foster

Working Smart in the Trucking Industry

There’s little doubt that owning a trucking business is challenging and demanding.

What with the shortage of quality drivers, endless regulations, tolls and taxes, and infrastructure and safety issues to name a few – just meeting your fixed costs can be a challenge.

More the reason too seek direction and map your route to both increase your sales and revenue, while at the same time, capitalizing on better strategic business planning to both minimize taxes that you can control, and better protect your business and personal assets, vehicles, real estate and cash from litigation. Is this really possible? It is.

We have helped countless business owners in your industry understand it’s not just about working hard – it’s about working SMART. Clearly, experienced strategic business knowledge in these areas is critical. Increase both cash flow and profit.

We educate business owners on the key areas that they really should be responsible for. We know you have advisors, so do all of the clients that we’ve ever worked with. That’s great, but like them you have areas of expertise that are missing that lead to missed opportunities when it comes to business, tax, and legal planning.

Missing these opportunities means not only are you burning through your diesel fuel but you’re burning through your profits.

We’ve helped some of the biggest players in the trucking industry get better. Challenge us to partner with you to make you better. No matter how big or small you are. Are you ready to get better?

Call us for a confidential consultation.

The 3PiGroup is a professional services firm dedicated to providing superior individualized and custom service to individuals and their businesses in the areas of sales enhancement, asset protection, tax planning, exit strategies, and wealth building. Simply put – we want to educate you on all relevant opportunities to put more dollars into your pocket, your business and your future.

We focus on leading edge, sophisticated, and safe business strategies that will help business owners structure, operate and maintain their business to take advantage of business and tax laws rather than being encumbered by them. We partner with the business, the accountant, and the attorney to ensure the business owners are capturing all available benefits that align with their business and personal goals.

Call Us Toll Free: (888) 938-2975


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