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Blue Smoke

Business Market Value

Can You Increase the Market Value of My Business?

In a word – YES! You just need to engage someone who really understands how a buyer will value YOUR company! 

We have assisted both buyers and sellers of businesses for decades.  And that’s very important – here’s why. It’s a challenge and critically important that a business owner understands what a buyer is looking at to value their company. 

No doubt you have poured your blood, sweat, and tears into your business.  But let’s face it – the buyer’s perception of value is all that matters to them.


But here’s the good news, if we can help you understand and proactively address the benchmarks that impact value, together we can address them and thus increase your company’s true market value.

Think about this:


  • First - How much of your company’s value is you?  To state this another way – What’s the value of your company without you in it?

  • Second - How can you make your business more attractive to buyers, investors, and their advisors?

  • Third - How can you better ensure a third party will value your company closer to it’s full potential market value?

  • AND FinallyHow can you ensure, that at the end of the sale process, you have incorporated the necessary business, tax, and legal planning to ensure you end up with the maximum amount of money in your pocket, after taxes and expenses, as possible?  This is a critical area that we have a tremendous amount of expertise. 

We work with a lot of business owners.  We understand your problem.  You, as a business owner have been so focused on business operations, growing your business, paying taxes, handling employee issues, and everything else that has enabled you to keep the doors open, you just haven’t had the time, so you have missed the strategic planning opportunities to incorporate changes that will ultimately increase the potential value of YOUR business. 


You’ve become an expert at solving other people’s problems – now let us help you solve one of your business’ biggest issues – your business’  market value to a third party buyer, investor, or lender.  If you don’t fix it, the next owner will. 


When you have a plan in place, you’ll be able to:

  • Do the things you want to do.

  • Get the most for your company

  • Control your timing

  • Ensure your financial security

  • Keep business / family relations intact

  • Reduce uncertainty

  • Know your options

  • Minimize taxes / other fees

  • Protect the long-term value of your business

Blue Smoke



We are business transition specialists. We help owners, family members, and advisors evaluate exit and succession options and implement plans to successfully transition businesses.



Executive Center:

38 North Holly Avenue

Fox lake, IL, 60020

Main Line:                            888.938.2975

Tim Foster's Direct Line:     724.518.0604

Copyright ©2021 - PlanMyBusinessExit, LLC. All Rights Reserved

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